Biography of The Goetschius Family of Bergen County

The Goetschius Family is also a numerous family in the western part of Bergen County. They are all descended from John Henry Goetschy, who was born in the Canton of Zurich, in Switzerland, about 1695, where he studied for the ministry in the University of Switzerland. He came to America about 1728, and first preached at Skippach and in the valleys of the Delaware and Susquehanna in Pennsylvania. His son, John Henry Goetschius, born at Liguria, Switzerland, in 1718, studied in the University of Zurich, and came to America with his father in 1728. He was licensed to preach in 1738, and preached on Long Island until 1740, when he came to Hackensack, N. J. There he preached until 1748, when he took charge of the church at Schraalenburgh[?], which he kept until his death in 1774. He was an able, eloquent, and effective preacher. His son Stephen, also a minister, preached at Saddle River and Pascack from 1814 to 1837. His father, John H. Goetschius, married, August 26, 1749, Rachel Zabriskie. Both John Henry and his son Stephen reared large families, who scattered rapidly over Bergen County.

Source: Harvey, Cornelius Burnham, Editor; Genealogical History of Hudson and Bergen Counties, New Jersey, New York: The New Jersey Genealogical Publishing Company, 1900.

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