Genealogy of Albert Zabriskie Haring of Bergen County

Albert Zabriskie Haring is a lineal descendant of Jan Pietersen Haring, the first emigrant of the name (see sketch on page 61). Cornelius Jansen Haring (2) (the third of the children of Jan Pietersen Haring (1) and Margaretta Cozine), born in New York in 1672, married, in 1693, Catalyntie, daughter of Judge Matthew Flearboom, of Albany, N. Y. Cornelius removed to Tappan, N. Y., with other members of the family, in 1686, and in 1721, when the Tappan patented lands were divided, he received as his portion a large tract in Harrington Township, on both sides of the Tappan road and extending east of that road as far as what is now Northvale. He subsequently bought of Samuel Des Marest (2) a farm of several hundred acres near what is now Haworth, N. J., on which he erected his family mansion and resided until his death. Much of this farm remained in the ownership of his descendants up to twenty years ago. His seven children of the third generation were John C., Margaret, Sophia, Vroutie, Daniel C., Cornelius C., and Jacob C.

Of these seven children, Cornelius C. Haring (3) married, in 1710, Rensie Blawvelt, and dying left eight children of the fourth generation: Caroline, Abraham J., Cornelius C., Margaret, Maria, Elizabeth, John C., and Sophia.

Abraham Johns Haring (4) married Elizabeth Mabie. He bought and settled on a large farm just north of what is now called West Norwood, in Bergen County. This farm had formerly belonged to his grandfather, Cornelius Haring (2). He left three children: John A., born in March, 1751 (died); Peter A.; and John A. (2), born April 9, 1762. Of these Peter A. resided on his father’s farm until his death.

Peter Abrams Haring (5), born at Norwood, N. J., April 16, 1754, married Maria Blawvelt, by whom he had two children of the sixth generation: Elizabeth, born January 20, 1773 (married Abraham A. Blawvelt), and David P.

David Peters Haring (6), born May 27, 1775, married Lydia Zabriskie, and lived all his lifetime on a portion of his grandfather’s farm near West Norwood. His children of the seventh generation were Margaret (died), Lavina (married John Tallman), and Peter D.

Peter D. Haring (7) married Betsey Bogert, and had issue of the eighth generation David P. (married Catharine Bross), Samuel B. (married Letty Blawvelt), Albert Z., Newton (died), Ann Maria (married Isaac Onderdonk), and James (married Jane Van Houten).

Albert Zabriskie Haring, the subject of this sketch, was born near Norwood, N. J., December 21, 1848. He attended the common schools of Bergen County until fourteen years of age, and then became a clerk in the grocery business, which occupation he followed for a number of years. In 1872 he entered as a clerk the Hudson County National Bank of Jersey City, then under the management of John Armstrong, John Van Vorst, and Hon. A. A. Hardenburgh. He has been in the bank for twenty-nine years, has occupied various positions in it, and for the past twelve years has been its Paying Teller.

He married in 1866 Jemima, the daughter of the late Senator Ralph S. Demarest, and has two children of the ninth generation: Chauncey and Minnie C. The latter is married and has issue of the tenth generation, Clarisse, born in 1900. He has a summer residence at Demarest, N. J.

Source: Harvey, Cornelius Burnham, Editor; Genealogical History of Hudson and Bergen Counties, New Jersey, New York: The New Jersey Genealogical Publishing Company, 1900.

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