Genealogy of James Kipp of Bergen County

James Kipp is of the tenth generation in lineal descent from Rocloff (Ralph) de Kype, who, as the prefix “de” unmistakably indicates, was of French origin, but who resided at Amsterdam, Holland, whither he had fled from France. His life-long calling was that of a soldier, wherein he exhibited bravery, energy, and capacity of the highest order. He attained prominence as a military leader in 1555, during the long and bloody struggle between the Catholics and Protestants, in which the latter finally triumphed. It has been said that in 1559 he returned to France and fought against the Protestants under the banner of the Duke of Anjou. Whether he did or not is at this late date a matter of little importance. It is known that his sons espoused the Protestant cause. One of them is said to have been a stockholder in the Dutch East India Company and an active promoter of the voyage of Hendrick Hudson to New York in 1609. His son, Hendrick de Dype (3d gen.), born at Amsterdam in 1578, came to America accompanied by his son Hendrick (4th gen.). They were the first of the name in the New World. Hendrick (3d gen.), owing to ill-health, soon returned to Holland, but his son Hendrick (4th gen.), who seems to have been the first to drop the “de” from the name and who was usually known as “Hendrick Hendricksen Kype,” married and became one of the first permanent settlers on Manhattan Island. Being a tailor by occupation, he was sometimes dubbed “Schneider Kype.” On April 28, 1643, he purchased a lot 30 x 110 east of “The Fort” (now Bridge Street, near Whitehall), on which he built his family residence and shop. There, for years, he was the principal tailor of the town. He married Ann de Sille, a daughter of Nicholas de Sille, of Wyck, Holland. About this time Kieft was Governor of New Amsterdam. Kype despised the governor and publicly denounced him as “a butcher” for permitting the massacre of the Hackensack Indians at Pavonia. Kieft summoned him to appear and answer for his insolence, but Kype replied by messenger that he would not appear before “a man of blood.” Mrs. Kype likewise denounced Kieft as a false judge. Upon the succession of Stuyvesant to the governorship Kype was made a Councilor. Later he was chosen to be one of the nine Selectmen, because, as is said, he was one of “the most notable, reasonable, honest, and respectable citizens of the city.” Two years later he was made a Burgher, but becoming dissatisfied with the management of town affairs he soon after sold out and removed to Amstel, in Delaware, where he embarked extensively in the brewing business on the west bank of the Delaware River. The governor of Delaware soon made him a member of the Council, and later, in 1660, appointed him Commissioner of Amstel. About 1694 he seems to have returned to New Amsterdam and about the same time purchased from Captain John Berry a tract of two hundred acres of land south of Hackensack, from the Hackensack River to the Saddle River, and including in it the present village of Lodi. He died in New Amsterdam about 1703, leaving children of the fifth generation Cornelia, Catharine, Peter, and Nicasie (Nicholas).

Nicholas (5th gen.), born at Amstel, Del., in 1668, went to Hackensack in 1694, and married Ann Breyant, of old Bergen. The same year the couple joined the Dutch Church at Hackensack. In 1698 Nicholas, with Thomas Fraunce and Rutgert Van Horn, of Bergen, purchased from Captain Berry a large tract at Moonachie. Nicholas made other purchases in due time-one of two hundred acres from Garret Lydecker extending from the Hackensack to the Saddle River, and another large area of “meadow land” for which, as his deed recites, he gave a “fatted calf.” Upon his death he inherited a large portion of his father’s lands, and passed as one of the most extensive landholders in that section. He resided on the Polifly road, was active in town and church affairs, and held several responsible official positions. His eleven children of the sixth generation were Henry, Peter, Isaac, Cornelius, Jacob, Ann, Catherine, Elizabeth, Garret, Nicholas, and John.

Nicholas (6th gen.), born at Moonachie in 1726, married in 1749 Lea Vreeland, of Bergen. He was a farmer by occupation and resided for thirty-five years in Lodi Township. In 1755 he removed with his family to Schraalenburgh, where he bought a large farm lying on both sides of the Schraalenburg road near the present North Church. The same year he and his wife joined the Schraalenburgh South Church, of which Nicholas was made a Deacon in 1766. He was a man of means and greatly respected by his neighbors. His children of the seventh generation were Sophia, Isaac, Catharine, Peter, John, Maria, Ann, and Jemima.

Isaac Kipp (7th gen.) was born at Schraalenburgh, May 14, 1756, and died there March 10, 1813. He joined the South Church in 1785, and became one of the principal and, in fact, the most influential man in Schraalenburgh. He owned and managed a large farm on both sides of the road near the North Church. Though wealthy, both he and his father Nicholas fervently espoused the cause of the colonists. For this the British and Tories raided the Kipp farms and buildings, drove off the live stock, and committed other acts of spoliation. Isaac joined the local militia, known as the “train bands,” and served against the British during the last years of the Revolutionary struggle. At its close he became active in the organization and drilling of the State militia, in which he was at first a Major and later a Colonel. He was one of the principals in the organization of the North Church Congregation, and one of the seven men chosen by resolution of the Consistory in 1800 to build the present church edifice, receiving for that service six shillings per day. He died in March, 1813, and was buried near the church in which he was so long prominent. His children of the eighth generation were Nicholas, David, Henry (who became a prominent physician), Ann, Leah, Maria, Christina, Isaac, and James.

David Kipp (8th gen.) was born at Schraalenburgh, January 24, 1783, and died May 18, 1864. He was reared on his father’s farm, and in 1806 married Elizabeth, daughter of William de Graw, of Old Tappan. David resided and for many years kept a general store at which is now Bergenfield, on the corner of the road leading from Schraalenburgh road to the South Church. His children of the ninth generation were Maria (married Matthew S. Bogert), William, and Fanny (married Cornelius L. Blawvelt).

William Kipp (9th gen.) was born at Schraalenburgh, August 19, 1812, and died in 1871. He married, November 24, 1831, Elizabeth Banta, born in 1813. William resided for many years at Old Tappan, now Harrington Park. Although reared a farmer, he was a born politician, and for many years was the Democratic leader in Harrington Township. Late in life he removed to Closter. At his death he left living Isaac David, John B., Isaac, Levina, James, and William de Graw, the last two named being the subjects of this and the following sketch.

James Kipp (10th gen.) was born at Old Tappan, N. J., October 15, 1844, and received his schooling in the public schools at Tappan. At the age of fifteen he left home to become a clerk in the grocery store of his brother David, at Sparkill, N. Y. He was called home in the fall of 1862 to take the place of his brothers John B. and Isaac, who had joined the Union Army in Virginia. Upon the return of his brothers James sought and obtained a clerkship in the grocery house of Elbert Bailey, then at 518 Sixth Avenue, New York. After four years’ service with Mr. Bailey he entered the office of the Lorillard Insurance Company, but remained there only three months. A more lucrative position was offered him with the New York Rubber Clothing Company at 347 Broadway, which he accepted. In July, 1867, this company combined with the Goodyear Rubber Company. Mr. Kipp acquired an interest in the business and was given the responsible position of manager, a position which he still holds at Nos. 787-789 Broadway, New York. To manage a concern doing the great volume of business which the Goodyear Rubber Company is doing demands business tact and judgment of the highest order. These qualities Mr. Kipp possesses in a marked degree, and his untiring energy, activity, thorough knowledge of the business, and close attention to its details have marked him for the early future as one of the great army of successful mercantile men in the great city. He is thoroughly domestic in his habits and tastes, and spends hi spare time with his family. He belongs to no city clubs, does not dabble in politics, has never held political office. He “leans toward” the Dutch Reformed Church and the Republican party.

He married, February 21, 1872, Rachel, a daughter of John J. and Hannah M. Naugie. Mrs. Kipp was born at Closter, N. J., March 25, 1850. They have three daughters: Ada (married in 1895 to Edward Livingston Gilbert, a New York stock broker), Eva, and Florence, the last two both unmarried. Florence is a recent graduate of the Comstock School of New York City, and her sisters are graduates of the New York City public schools. Ada has a daughter, Margery (11th gen.), born in 1897.

Source: Harvey, Cornelius Burnham, Editor; Genealogical History of Hudson and Bergen Counties, New Jersey, New York: The New Jersey Genealogical Publishing Company, 1900.

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