The Blanches of Bergen County

The Blanches of Bergen County are descended from Richard Blanch, a native of Bristol, England, where he was born in 1704. He came to America prior to 1732, and settled near Closter in Bergen County. In 1733 he married Classie Van Giesen, of New York. He owned lands in what was then called the “Closter Mountains,” on the Palisades of the Hudson. He died September 6, 1767. His use ere Ann, 1734; Isaac, 1736; Thomas; and Cornelia, 1745. Of these Ann married John Blawvelt, of Tappan. Isaac married Geertje Johns Haring. Cornela married David Smith. All of Richard Blanch’s children settled at Tappan and in the upper part of Bergen County. The issue of Isaac Blanch were Isaac, Martina, Richard, Abram, Thomas, John Henry, and Classie.

Thomas Blanch (2) was one of the most prominent men in Bergen County in his day. He was a magistrate and held other township and county offices. He raised and was Captain of a company of volunteers from Bergen County during the Revolutionary struggle. He was born near Closter in 1740, and died June 3, 1825. He married, in 1761, Effie Johns Mabie, of Tappan, who was born in 1741, and died August 28, 1825. Their issue were thirteen children: Elizabeth, 1762; Classie, 1763; Ann, 1765; Richarf, 1766; Susanna, 1769; John, 1770; Thomas, 1774; Isaac, 1776; Elizabeth, 1779, and Cornelia, 1779 (twins); Effie, 1783; and Lea, 1786, and Rachel, 1786 (twins). The descendants of these are scattered over Bergen County, particularly the northern part.

Source: Harvey, Cornelius Burnham, Editor; Genealogical History of Hudson and Bergen Counties, New Jersey, New York: The New Jersey Genealogical Publishing Company, 1900.

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